For Professionals

Information for Professional Referrers







Welcome to Valhalla

Valhalla is our woodland base camp set in the beautiful Lincolnshire countryside and home to our Axe & Knife Throwing Range, our Jo Gough Memorial Archery Range and our Field Archery Range.

Situated just outside the  village of Keelby in Lincolnshire, Valhalla offers an opportunity to step away from the stresses and troubles of everyday life.

How to find Valhalla

Who are Team Valkyrie?

We are staffed by 3 volunteer directors (2 veterans and 1 civilian) plus a small team of volunteers. Directors Alyson & Ruth have extensive professional and relevant casework experience.

What can we do for Veterans?

We run one veterans event on site monthly, where people take part in activities including axe & knife throwing and archery, and in addition the directors undertake casework outside of the events to support specific needs.

Our team's combination of veterans and non-veterans has proven highly effective in helping break down perceived barriers between the two groups.

We have helped with issues including finances, accommodation, employment & training and even PTSD Assistance Dogs.

Our Objectives

We’re more than just ’brew and banter’. We have three primary objectives, agreed with our funders, Veterans’ Foundation:

1) Improve the wellbeing and connectedness of the veterans who attend

2) Improved willingness and ability to access civilian services / employment / social opportunities.

3) Address and resolve practical difficulties through advocacy and/or onward referral to relevant agencies

Our Standards

We have Employers’ Liability and Public Liability Insurance

We have a full suite of Safeguarding Policies, Health & Safety Procedures and risk assessments.

Our instructors are appropriately qualified by the relevant bodies

How do we work?

We respond immediately to all referrals with an initial contact, typically in under 12 hours. We’re not a 9-5 service, so this could be outside of those hours when other services are closed.


We arrange an initial contact at a time to suit the client when they can be alone to speak openly.

We will either invite them to attend an event or commence individual work with them as appropriate

Valkyrie is a long term service. Veterans can stay with us for as long as they need us, and can return at any time.

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